Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ice Skating

Lisa sent this pic of Thomas ice skating. Thought you might enjoy it. I definitely did NOT have my camera out there. :-)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lyrical Missteps

We haven't listened to our Queen Greatest Hits CD in a while. We've been too busy with our Abba one, but Thomas still sings 'We Will Rock You' pretty regularly. The actual lyrics say, "You got mud on yo' face, you big disgrace" but Thomas sings two versions. One, "ya got mud on your face, you big green snake." And two, "ya got mud on your face, you big bee sting."

I have to say he comes by it honestly. David keeps telling me that the Scorpions are actually singing "Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane" but I hear and sing, "Here I am. Raunchy like a hurricane." We've had many debates on what exactly a raunchy hurricane is. :-)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Funny Kid

Thomas is cracking us up as usual. He's had some pretty good ones lately. Enjoy.

Thomas' friend Sembree had her birthday party on Saturday morning. David told him that he and Jonathan were going to watch Tech/A&M game while we were at the party. Thomas said, "Daddy tell me if the Aggies win." David agreed. Then Thomas said, "Oh wait Daddy, if the Aggies lose, don't tell me at all."

Friday night, we went to Amy's, James' big sister, 9th birthday party. It was an ice skating party and I've only ice skated once, fell down, realized how hard the ice was and immediately stopped. So even though I had a bad prior experience, I still had to suck it up and help my 5 year old try to ice skate. We started off around the rink, staying by the wall to hopefully not fall down much. Thomas had a very hard time figuring out how to keep his feet underneath him. I ended up supporting his entire weight while his legs were going opposite directions. It was slow going but we eventually made it about 1/3 of the way around the rink. At that point, Lisa and Judee skated up and offered to help Thomas. He was a little hesitant but I told him they were much better ice skaters than me and could probably help him learn faster. So off they went, holding his hands and supporting him between them. They finished the first lap around the rink and then I took over again. By that point, Thomas had figured out how to keep his feet under him and started doing much better. He then said, "Mommy, you helping me" (and gave me a thumbs down) "Lisa and Judee helping me" (thumbs up). Our second lap around the rink, he was doing a lot better and didn't need much help from me. He could hold onto the wall himself. Then he said, "Mommy, you're getting better helping me! Oh wait, I'm getting better learning on my own."

After the birthday party, we met David for dinner. It was really crowded and the only table available was one of the tall tables with big barstools. Thomas loved sitting there. When they brought him his milk, it was in a big glass and he said, "Wow, big table, big chair, big drink, this is the best big day of my life!"

Last night, David and the boys were playing catch with a big ball. Thomas said, "Daddy get ready 'cause I'm gonna eat your dust!" We did eventually explain that when you're smack talking, it's the other way around.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

My Little Aggie

We went to Lubbock last month and while we were there, I wanted to go to my favorite Tech store downtown to buy some new t-shirts for us all. I told Thomas where I was going and asked if he'd like a shirt. He said, "No way, Mommy! I'm an Aggie...REMEMBER!" So no Tech shirt for him.

I think he was disappointed in that later though because he wanted to wear a Tech t-shirt and his Aggie shorts one day to school so his clothes could fight each other.