Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Funny Speech

Most of the stories this time are about Thomas' incorrect interpretation of words or misuse of terminology. Hope you enjoy them as we have.

Thomas was sick last week with a weird virus that caused fever but no other symptoms for 4 days straight. He was pretty grumpy when the fever went up and didn't like me taking his temperature. Once, while we were eating, he felt hot to me and I wanted to see what his temp was. I got the thermometer and he said, "Mommy, I don't want to do this in this moment."

He was telling my mom and me a story yesterday about swimming in the lake with David a few weeks ago. He said, "Me and Daddy swimmed towarder into the lake." I asked if he meant farther into the lake or toward the dock. He said yes. So I guess that's a new word that makes sense in that situation.

He was listening to a CD in the car the other day and said, "Mommy can you please fast forward backwards?" I said, "Do you mean rewind?" "Oh. Yeah."

He has started using his own version of an expletive: tater sacks. As in, "Mommy can I watch a movie in the car on the way to the grocery store?" "No, Thomas, we only watch movies if we drive at least 30 minutes." "Tater sacks!"

And last but not least, we were driving to meet friends for lunch today, well, four of my friends and none of his as their children all started preschool today and Thomas doesn't start till Friday, a fact that made him quite angry. But I digress. He said, "Mommy, where's the people museum?" I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "You know, the people museum where they bury your bones." I told him that was called a cemetery and that we'd try to drive by one someday soon. He said, "Yeah, when you die you have to be buried and then later an archaeologist will come along and find your bones."

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Busy Summer!

Hi everyone! No, I did not stop writing this blog. Just took an unintended break over summer vacation. I don't know where the last 3 months have gone. They flew by but we had a great time. I have a notebook full of stories to share and will type as many as I can before Jonathan wakes up.

Thomas wanted Jonathan to sit by him on the couch one day. I told him he was happy playing on the floor for now. Thomas said, "No, he needs to be beside me on the comfortable furniture!"

And now for an embarrassing story. When Mike, Amy, Mason, and Palmer were visiting in June, Palmer and Thomas took their shirts off while we were eating dinner. Thomas looked down at his chest, touched his nipples, and said, to a table full of the entire family, "Mommy, mine are up here and yours are way down here."

We were eating at David's Barbecue one night, and Thomas wanted to eat some banana pudding. My mom offered one of her cookies from her pudding and Thomas said, "But my tummy wants to eat all of them. Listen!" A quiet moment or two and then in a tiny high pitched voice said, "I want to eat them all!"

The boys and I spent 10 days in Lubbock last month. We went to the Science Spectrum a couple times and Thomas loved all the neat science experiments and activities. For the next two days though, he was a total grouch. I finally decided to talk to him about it, expecting to hear that he was missing his daddy. I asked why he was being so grumpy and told him I missed my sweet boy. He was quiet for a minute and then said, "But Mommy, scientists are supposed to be mad!" I tried hard to keep a straight face while explaining that that means crazy not angry.

While we were at my in-laws house, Thomas thought he had to be outside every single minute building with hammer and nails or picking things from the garden or having adventures. One afternoon, it was hot, and Wanda wanted to rest inside for a little while. Thomas would play a few minutes and then think of some reason why he needed to go outside. When he was told not yet, he played a little longer before coming up with another excuse to go outside. After about 20 minutes, he said, "Granny, I'm cold! I need to go outside in the hot!" She said, "Honey if you're cold, Granny can turn down the air conditioner." He said, "No. I need to go out in the hot." That one finally worked.

Also in Lubbock, we spent quite a bit of time at my grandparents house and my grandma decided to take Thomas to the dollar store to help her pick out some toys that little boys like. He loved doing that and quickly filled her basket full. He got back to their house and picked out some toys to take outside where my uncle, Jerry, was taking a smoke break. After a little while, Thomas came in and I asked where Uncle Jerry was. He said, "Oh, he's just cigarettin'."

And this isn't a funny story, but a word to those of you who might be lax in backing up photos like I was. It doesn't matter that from September through early July that you were busy being pregnant and then with a newborn. Your hard drive doesn't care that you'll lose every picture you've ever taken of your baby. It crashes when and where it wants to and those pictures are lost unless you're willing to spend 2-3 times what the computer cost to retrieve your data. Definitely a hard way to learn a lesson.