Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Funny Speech

Most of the stories this time are about Thomas' incorrect interpretation of words or misuse of terminology. Hope you enjoy them as we have.

Thomas was sick last week with a weird virus that caused fever but no other symptoms for 4 days straight. He was pretty grumpy when the fever went up and didn't like me taking his temperature. Once, while we were eating, he felt hot to me and I wanted to see what his temp was. I got the thermometer and he said, "Mommy, I don't want to do this in this moment."

He was telling my mom and me a story yesterday about swimming in the lake with David a few weeks ago. He said, "Me and Daddy swimmed towarder into the lake." I asked if he meant farther into the lake or toward the dock. He said yes. So I guess that's a new word that makes sense in that situation.

He was listening to a CD in the car the other day and said, "Mommy can you please fast forward backwards?" I said, "Do you mean rewind?" "Oh. Yeah."

He has started using his own version of an expletive: tater sacks. As in, "Mommy can I watch a movie in the car on the way to the grocery store?" "No, Thomas, we only watch movies if we drive at least 30 minutes." "Tater sacks!"

And last but not least, we were driving to meet friends for lunch today, well, four of my friends and none of his as their children all started preschool today and Thomas doesn't start till Friday, a fact that made him quite angry. But I digress. He said, "Mommy, where's the people museum?" I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "You know, the people museum where they bury your bones." I told him that was called a cemetery and that we'd try to drive by one someday soon. He said, "Yeah, when you die you have to be buried and then later an archaeologist will come along and find your bones."

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