Monday, October 29, 2007

Inky Face, Box Fun, and More

The other day, Thomas was drawing with a pen. He's not the type of child to do what he did, so when he came out of the bathroom with an expectant grin on this face, the first thing out of my mouth was, "Is that PEN?" He started sobbing and ran into the dining room and flung himself on the floor. I went in to talk to him about it and he hugged me and said, "But I thought you'd like it!" Luckily I know from my days as a teacher than you can easily remove ink with rubbing alcohol. Off your face, arms, and legs. He decorated his entire body. Now for the Dorito lips, we had to use something else altogether. ;-)
We went to the box store the other day to buy a box to mail something. While we were there, Thomas asked the man if he could find him a box to play in like Spongebob and Patrick did. The nice man spent 10 minutes showing Thomas all the boxes that might meet his needs. This is what we ended up with. I think it's the most fun he's ever had for $2.99.

He is such a character. His thing lately is to get one of David's big nails from his toolbox, put as many acorns as he can on it, and then push it into the ground. The purpose? So he can play a trick on the squirrels. Never mind that there are hundreds of other acorns in our front yard.

My friend, Lisa, sent me a book the other day through James. James gave it to Thomas at school to give to me, but Thomas was under the impression that James gave it to him. I tried to tell him it was my book but that I'd share it with him. He was insistent that I was wrong and it was his until he noticed the note on the cover of the book. He said, "Wait a minute. This says K-I-M. That's not my name that's yours!"

David's favorite color is black and last week, that was the color of the week at school. Thomas was so excited about it that we had to call David on the way home from school to tell him. David must have been in a meeting because his voicemail picked up. This is the message David heard: "He says he's not available to take my calls! So I'm going to push the red button right now! I don't wanna please leave a message!"

We went to the bank last week and the teller forgot to send a lollipop through for Thomas. I called her back and asked if I could please have a lollipop for my little boy. She was very nice and sent two through immediately. As we were driving away, Thomas said, "Mommy, thank you for the lollipop, but next time could you call me your big boy?"


Anonymous said...

I'm going to try to do this by myself. You did good this time!! Hasn't been a month yet!!!
The stories are real cute. I always enjoy them

Anonymous said...

Boxes are great. Looks like they had lots of fun using their "imagination".