Monday, October 15, 2007

So Much To Share

Hey everyone, It's been over a month since my last Thomas post so I have a lot to share. First off, I wanted to share my favorite picture of Thomas and my nephews from this summer. Mason is on the left and Palmer is on the right. We sure wish they lived closer, but are grateful for the time we had together in June. At Thomas' preschool they choose a Proud American each day who says the Pledge of Allegiance nicely and follows all the rules and directions. Since Thomas is such a rule follower, we didn't think it would take long for him to get it and it didn't. He was the first boy selected as the Proud American and boy was it a big deal around here. He's wearing his flag pin that you "get to keep forever and ever!" And then just for fun, I thought I'd include a picture of him on some pumpkins since it is October.

And now, onto other things. We were driving to visit my friend Angie a couple weeks ago and to get to her house, I had to make a u-turn. Thomas wasn't really paying attention but noticed the u-turn because he looked up and said, "Mommy, what did you do wrong?"

He's been taking swimming lessons at a new place this fall and it has taken him a while to warm up to his new teacher. He's been into "X-ing" things out lately, because that's what they do at school when learning a new letter: circle the things that start with "N" and x out the things that don't. So during swimming lessons, he caught my eye and held up his right index finger, then his left and made an X, telling me in code that he didn't like his teacher. But he's doing really well now and even likes Mr. Patrick.

It's really interesting how he perceives, and sometimes misunderstands, song lyrics. He was singing along to The Jungle Book and sang, "Luck bottom, bare necessities, the simple bare necessities" and no matter how many times I tried to explain that it's "Look for the" he insists he's singing it the right way and that I'm wrong. He also does it when listening to our Queen Greatest Hits CD in the car singing my personal favorite "Another One Fights The Dust." Sure, they're really singing about housecleaning.

We're in the process of redecorating the boys' bathroom with a really cute dinosaur theme. You've never seen a boy as excited about shower curtains, kleenex box covers, and trash cans as Thomas.

Jonathan was babbling in the car the other day, and I said, "Hey Jonathan, what're you saying?" Thomas said, "Mommy, he doesn't speak people yet!" Thomas claims he can speak both people and baby so he interpreted for his brother.

David was in The Netherlands for a week late last month and the night he got home, he drove us out to eat. He clearly shouldn't have been driving jetlagged because as he went to pull into the parking space, he crashed into the curb and put a nice 3 inch hole in my bumper. Whenever we've shown anyone the bumper and told them the story, Thomas says, "Yep, Daddy, it was all YOUR fault!"

This past weekend, Tech and A&M played each other in football. We went to Tech and our friends D'Ann and Daniel went to A&M so we had some good-natured teasing going on. David was trying to get Thomas to tell D'Ann that the Aggies stink, but instead Thomas did a 180 and became the Aggies biggest fan. All during the game, he cheered those Aggies on and is insistent that they couldn't have lost, even though they did big time. I guess we'll just have to start working on Natalie to root for the Red Raiders.

And one final story for you today. The four of us were driving home last night and Thomas said to me, "Mommy, don't you think Daddy's a poopy head?" I said, "Now Thomas you know I don't like poopy jokes." He said, "But Mommy, I'm not joking, I'm serious!" David and I cracked up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Thomas. James was extremely proud of you to be the first boy to earn the Proud American. That was the first thing he told me when I picked him up - Thomas is the Proud American. It only took him about 3 weeks later to get his :)