Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Picture Day

Thomas' school had picture day a couple weeks ago. I dressed him up in cute clothes and sent him on his way hoping for good results. When I picked him up that day, I asked him if he'd smiled pretty for his pictures. He said, very emphatically I might add, "No no no no no!" Well, we got to look at the pictures today and he was right. There were 15 sheets of pictures and he's not smiling in a single picture. Even though I was disappointed, I had to laugh because he told me he wasn't going to smile that day.

Just a word about Thomas' school, it's not really school, it's a Mother's Day Out program he attends twice a week. In our house, however, it's always referred to as school. It's a good program. He has Spanish once a week and he already knows all the Spanish words I know. They do lots of neat things for the kids like having a petting zoo and tractor train come out one day and next week a fire truck is coming to school. Thomas can't wait for that. David is off this week and went with me to take him to school this morning. I think for him it only reinforced all the good things I'd been telling him about Thomas' school when he watched his son run into his classroom without looking back. He's learning AND he's having fun. Can't beat that combination!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

First Night In Big Boy Bed

Last night was Thomas' first night in his big boy bed. It went VERY smoothly. He did a few backflips off the bed (we are starting with just the mattress on the floor in case he falls off...easy back flips are an unintended benefit), we read a few books, we sang him a song, and then he laid down on his pillow, covered up, and said "Good night Mommy and Daddy." When we looked in on him an hour or two later, he was still in the same position. And when I went up this morning to peek at him, he was still sleeping on the pillow all covered up. As a matter of fact, he's napping in there right now too. Although these first two times sleeping in his bed have gone great, we realize that one of these days he'll figure out that he now has the freedom to get out of the bed when he wants to. We know there will probably be rougher days ahead but for now we're celebrating. We're also a bit sentimental because our boy looked so big in his crib and yet looks so tiny sleeping on the full size mattress.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Like Mother, Like Son

One of the stories from my childhood that has been told umpteen times is the one about the first time I got to go Christmas shopping with my parents. We went over to my grandparents' house afterwards and I ran in and said "Grandma, we bought you a bedspread for Christmas!" My mom overheard and yelled "Kim-ber-ly!" I got all teary-eyed and said, "But I didn't tell her it was RED!"

Well, today we could definitely tell Thomas was my son. We went out to eat today for my dad's birthday. We picked up my parents on the way to the restaurant (Joe T. Garcia's which is an awesome place to eat...great ambiance and food). When they got into the car, Thomas said, "Happy Birthday party Grandpa!" Grandpa said thanks. Then Thomas said, "I buy you movie, Grandpa." We all started laughing and then my mom said "Well, at least you don't know what kind of movie it is." And Thomas said, "I buy you BEAR movie, Grandpa!" We'd bought him Brother Bear which might sound like a goofy movie to give a 57 year old man but it's what he wanted. :-)

Friday, October 21, 2005

We Almost Made The Evening News

Yep, that's right. My son was almost the child you see on the news who somehow managed to get his head stuck in an odd place that only a kid would try fitting into. We went to the zoo today because it's such a beautiful day here (it FINALLY feels like Fall!). We were having a great time visiting all the animals and feeding the birds (he's very brave about holding the seed stick still so a bird will land on it and essentially eat from his hand). The trouble came when we were looking at the tigers. He wanted to get a closer look and I'm not sure how he did it but he got his head stuck in the fence. He was crying and I almost was, but at the last second, I managed to get his head free. Whew! That was a close one. Thomas is supposed to be on TV in January on the Food Network show Unwrapped. That's plenty of exposure for us.

He also got me on a technicality when we got home. We were late getting home and it was already nap time. As we were driving, I told him we were going to go right in and lay down when we got home. He kept thinking of things he wanted to do for "three more minutes" first, which is his way of delaying the inevitable. Well, when I was getting him out of the car seat, he asked, "Cool outside Mommy?" I said that it was. He said "Oh boy, I play in car!" He loves to play in the front seat of the car fastening the seat belt, turning on the headlights, plugging in the cell phone charger and doing everything else you do when you're driving the car. All summer, and right up until today, it had been too hot to stay in the car more than about 3 seconds with the ignition turned off so I'd been telling him, "It's too hot sweetie, but when it cools down you can play." Soooo, even though it was nap time, I felt he deserved his "three more minutes" playing in the car. And grandparents don't worry, he was playing in a locked garage and I was right there watching him. :-)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Ok, I wanted to start with that title so the faint of heart will know what this story was about. If you don't have small children (or can't remember what it was like when yours were young), skip this post. :-)

As I said in an earlier post, Thomas has a little cold this week but it's not bad enough to keep us at home. We were driving to go meet David for lunch today (this is his last week at his old job and he's been working late very night and hadn't seen Thomas all week) when Thomas said he needed a kleenex. That's a step in the right direction because a friend of his at school picks her nose and he's been trying to get away with that too so he can be like her. Anyway, as he was wiping his nose, one nostril got stuck closed (booger glue) and he was so fascinated by that that for the next 10 minutes, he'd yell, "Look Mommy!" and pinch his nose shut and wait for it to unstick itself and then yell, "Look Mommy!" and do it all over again.

Yesterday, we had Thomas's room painted in preparation for him moving into a big boy bed. We decided to have it professionally painted to save us the stress and frustration two perfectionists would go through painting it ourselves. The pro had it done in 5 hours when it took us three weeks to paint Thomas's room when I was pregnant. Three weeks you ask? Well, it was like this: 20 minutes of David painting followed by a 2 hour rest period to calm down after getting frustrated that things weren't going the way his wife wanted, and then the cycle repeated.

Thomas is VERY excited about his new room. When he got home from school yesterday, I took him up to watch the painter at work. He looked around for a minute or two without saying anything and then said, in a reverent tone of voice, "Ooooo, cool!"

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Welcome to Tales Of Thomas!

In this blog, we're going to try to keep you updated on all the little things that happen day to day with our two year old son, Thomas. I'm sure many of the stories will only be of interest to his parents and grandparents, but anyone is welcome to read. I'm sure there will be plenty of funny stories. There will probably also be sweet stories or even stories of him being a little turkey. And sometimes he can be all three...come on, he's TWO! :-)

To start you off, I'll share two stories from the last few days. This weekend, we went to Lubbock for my cousin Crystal's wedding (congrats Crystal and Kris!). On the way back to Dallas, my sister-in-law, Amy, and nephew, Mason, were riding with me and Thomas. Thomas decided to sing Mason to sleep (since it was 10:30 at night and both boys should have been sleeping already) by singing his ABCs. He started off just fine: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-THOMAS-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z!
Sung, or rather yelled, at the top of his lungs. Amy was driving at the time and almost drove off the road she was laughing so hard.

And on Monday, we were eating at Chili's with our friends D'Ann and Natalie. Thomas wasn't feeling very well (just a little cold) so he was laying on the bench beside me. After a few minutes, he looked up at me and said "Do you love me Mommy?" I said, "Of course I do!" He jumped up and yelled across the table to D'Ann, "My Mommy LOVES me!" Then, of course, Natalie had to ask her mom if she was loved too...which she was.

Again, welcome, and we look forward to sharing stories of our sweet boy with you.