Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Week of Sickness, part 4

Day 10. Jonathan threw up twice tonight. All over me.

Is this ever going to end?

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Week of Sickness, part 3

Well, we're now in day 9 of our week of sickness. Here's what's been going on. Friday night, Thomas threw up in his bed about 10:45. I took care of that. Changing the sheets, changing him, and getting him settled back down. I was up about 2 hours that night coughing, unable to sleep. At 5:30 Saturday morning, Thomas called over the monitor that his tummy was hurting again. David took care of that as I'd just fallen asleep after my coughing spell. I slept late and David gave Jonathan a bottle (one benefit of him not nursing anymore). Although Thomas still wasn't eating much (as of this morning, he still eats less than Jonathan) he was feeling better and played as usual. That evening after being trapped in the house for days, we all thought we were on the mend so went out for a low key dinner. Jonathan and David still had colds and I still had my cough, but we thought the worst was finally past. Sunday morning, I felt fine when I got up, except for being tired from coughing half the night. About mid-morning, I started feeling queasy. Great news, I caught Thomas' stomach bug. So I spent all day Sunday in bed and David took care of the boys. This morning, I feel much better, although weak, and am still tired from coughing half the night. Everyone now has a cough. And guess what. Jonathan woke up from his morning nap with a fever. We're sick of being sick!

Friday, November 09, 2007

The Week of Sickness, part 2

It's Friday afternoon and I thought you might like an update on our week of sickness. You already know about the events of the week and various illnesses up to that point. Here's what's happened in the last 24 hours. As the day wore on, Thomas started running a high fever, between 100 and 102 all day. He didn't want to take medicine and I hated to make him after what happened that morning although we finally got some into him last night before bed. Then around lunchtime, I started running a fever and not to be outdone, mine was higher than his, 103.8. This morning I woke up with white patches on my throat and fearing strep went to the doctor. It's not Strep A which is the only one they test with the rapid strep test. The official diagnisis is pharyngitis which I think is just a fancy way of saying sore throat. But I've got medicine to take and hopefully, please, please, please, Jonathan won't get it.

Pray that I feel better soon. Pray that Thomas feels better, which he was this morning until his fever started spiking again this afternoon, and that he'll start eating again. We know our boy is ill when he won't even eat his favorite foods. Didn't touch his Happy Meal yesterday and barely touched the donut David got for him this morning. Pray that Jonathan and David will somehow avoid catching whatever is going around this house. And thank goodness David's been able to be home with us these last two days!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Week of Sickness

Well, we made it almost a year with two basically healthy children. They'd shared a cold or two but nothing worse. Until this week.

Sunday morning, Thomas woke up and said his blinkers were broken. I knew what that meant. Pink eye. So I got to take him to Care Now to get eye drops. We tried to keep Jonathan away from Thomas and his toys. Then Jonathan stopped nursing.

Monday morning, I took Jonathan to the doctor to see if there was a physical reason why he suddenly refused to nurse. There wasn't.

Tuesday morning, Jonathan woke up with pink eye. I called the doctor to see if I could use the same drops for him that I did for Thomas. Nope. So we got to take another trip to the pharmacy for a different prescription.

Wednesday, everyone seemed to be on the mend, but we did get to go to the doctor for Thomas' flu shot which had been on the calendar for a month already.

Thursday, today. I thought the worst was past, but I was wrong. (If you have a weak stomach, skip this paragraph). Thomas woke up early today and was really whiny. I just figured it was because he got up so early. That or because he's four. Then during breakfast, he started saying he was sorry. He'd had diarrhea and it got all over his pajamas. Gross, but that's ok, he couldn't help it. So we got him all cleaned up and in clothes. Then he kept complaining that he was cold. So I took his temp and sure enough, he's running a low grade fever. Then I tell him he has to take some Tylenol so he'll feel better. He's refusing and crying that he doesn't want to take medicine. I'm yelling that he IS going to take the medicine so that we can bring the fever down. Then I put him in my lap and make him take a sip of the medicine. Can you guess what happenend next? He threw up all over me and him. We were on the kitchen floor which was the best place in the house for it to happen, but it's still gross. So he's crying and apologizing for throwing up. I'm apologizing for making him take the medicine. And Jonathan is crying because he's tired of being in the high chair.

And I think I forgot to mention that David has had a cold all week and this morning I woke up with it but as a mom, I don't get to be sick. Talk about a stressful week.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Halloween Fun

Hey everyone. I know Halloween was two days ago, but I thought you might still enjoy a pic or two of our Batman and Robin. Both boys LOVED Halloween. Thomas' bucket was completely full of candy by the end of the night. Thomas was really into trick-or-treating this year but wouldn't say the words "Trick Or Treat." He'd ring the doorbell and say, "Happy Halloween!" It got him candy every time. I'm not sure why he doesn't like to say it but he never has. Jonathan loved it too. He kicked his feet and waved his arms like crazy while squealing the entire time we were trick-or-treating.
On a personal note, I tried some of Thomas' Milk Duds and they actually tasted good, guess there's not too much chocolate on them. Then I tried some Whoppers and realized that chocolate still tastes bad. I try some every few months hoping to get my taste for chocolate back, but it has tasted bitter to me ever since summer 2001. I'm still holding out hope that one day, I'll be able to enjoy it again. It's hard to let go of something you absolutely loved for 30 years. Poor me.