Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

We thought last Christmas was fun with Thomas and it was, but Christmas with a VERY enthusiastic three year old was even better!

Last night I was putting him to bed and he kept talking about making snow angels and throwing snowballs and making snowmen outside today. I only realized that he actually expected snow when he got out of bed and said, "Let me check if it's snowing yet before I go to sleep." All of the Christmas shows we've watched have included snow so he thought it snowed everywhere on Christmas Day. Thankfully he wasn't too disappointed that we only had rain.

This morning, he woke up a little early and called me over the baby monitor. I said good morning to him and the next words out of his mouth were, "Is it Christmas morning!?!?" I said that it was and he yelled "Woo hoo!" and ran to wake Grandma and Grandpa up. They spent the night with us last night so they could be here for the Santa gifts. I loved hearing him tell them to hurry up so he could go downstairs and see his camera. That's the one thing he asked Santa for and he had no doubt it was downstairs waiting on him, which it was.

He was so cute opening his gifts. My parents gave him some boxing gloves and he squealed with delight and yelled, "This is just what I wanted!" and ran over to give them both big hugs. He was almost as excited about every other gift he opened. At one point, he picked up a present and asked who got it for him. I told him Daddy and I did. He ran to both of us, hugged us, and said, "Oh thank you for my red present!' He hadn't even opened it yet. :-) Of course, with the honesty of a three year old, when he opened one he didn't want, you knew about it. David and I bought him a Leapster handheld video game. He looked at it and said, "This is a big kid toy. I didn't want this." He whispered it, but the message came across loud and clear. He also did that with Crocodile Dentist which he got from my parents. He said he just wanted to play that at James' house and didn't want it here. I told him that wasn't nice and that he needed to say thank you. He sighed really big and in a sad little whisper said, "Thank you Grandma. Thank you Grandpa." Thankfully, he changed his mind about both presents very quickly.

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Baby Preparations

I told you it would probably be a while before I posted again didn't I? :-) Things have been very busy around here getting ready for Jonathan's arrival next week. And since that's such a big event in this house, all the stories today revolve around that.

Last week, Thomas came up to me at breakfast and patted my tummy and said, "Mommy, your tummy SURE is getting big!" After I stopped laughing, couldn't be offended because he's right, I asked him why he thought it was getting so big. He said, "Because Jonathan is just growing and growing!"

For the last few weeks, Thomas has alternated between being the baby and being the daddy. I've posted pics of both versions of our boy. When he's the baby, he needs a pacifier and crawls everywhere and wants his big boy bed converted into a crib with pillows along the edge. When he's the daddy, and he's a great one, he carries his babies everywhere, feeds them, buckles them into the car seat, and in general takes good care of them all.

We were at his friend Natalie's birthday party last weekend and I overheard Thomas telling Natalie's grandma that when Jonathan was born Daddy was going to stay home "a whole week to help me take care of him till Mommy comes home." I reminded him that Jonathan will be in the hospital with me until we both could come home and he said, "Well, I'll still need the help!"

And last but not least, this morning, he spent 20 minutes practicing silly faces for his brother. He'd do one and ask if I thought his brother would like that one. I'd say, "Definitely!" and then he'd try another one.

Life around here is about to change but we all can't wait. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Daddy Thomas Posted by Picasa

Baby Thomas Posted by Picasa