Friday, March 23, 2007

Girl and Boy Stuff

Today, David and Thomas had a Boy Day. They made a list last night of 1o boy things they wanted to do together and spent the entire day working through the list. The list included things like washing the car, going to Chuck E. Cheese, spraying each other with water, and working in the yard. They were so cute because after they'd finished one item, they'd say "That was number 6!" (or whatever number they were on) and then move onto the next. Tonight we were driving to Ci Ci's Pizza, another Boy Thing but one they let Mommy and Jonathan join them on, and Thomas said, "Mommy, tomorrow is Girl Day and you can pick 20 things you want to do." Of course David acted offended that he only got to do 10 things while I get to do 20 which Thomas thought was hilarious. Thomas told me I should dream tonight about all the things I wanted to do with him on my girl day but his suggestions were great: go to the diamond store and shopping at Kohl's. Now that's a nice way for a boy to treat his mommy. :-)

4 Going on 10 and Then Some

I don't know how many of these "proud to be four" stories I'll tell but as long as they keep happening, I'm going to keep sharing. Thomas really likes counting things and people and sorting them into groups (ex. Are there more boys or girls?). He'll say, "How many people are at the table?" and then proceed to count them all. What makes us laugh is that he'll always find a way to make himself be the fourth person counted even if he has to jump back and forth across the circle to do it. Half the time he gets confused about where he left off to jump over and make himself number four and there end up being 10 people counted at a table with 6 people and he'll have to count them all again.

The other day he told us, "Hey Mommy and Daddy listen to this. I'm not 1, and not 2, and not three, I'm four!" We said that's absolutely right. He then said, "And next I'll be 5 and then 6 and then 7 and then 8 and then 9 and then 10!" a pause and then "Hey Mommy! I'm almost 10!!!"

We went to Lubbock last weekend and while we were at my grandparents' house, Thomas accidentally broke a glass ice cream dish. He started crying and I tried to explain that it was ok and that it was just an accident. He was inconsolable and said, "But Mommy it was all my fault!" More comforting and then, "Mommy don't tell Gma!" I told him that she knew what had happened and that she wasn't upset with him. More hysterics and "She knows?!?! Oh it's all my fault!" Poor guy.

The other day, Thomas was playing with Jonathan while I was hanging laundry. Jonathan started fussing and Thomas yelled, "Mommy! Jonathan needs his Mommy!" I said he'd have to wait a minute and that I'd be right there. When I got back into the room, I heard Thomas singing to Jonathan, "Your mommy will be right back. Your mommy will be right back."

At night we usually let Thomas pick which one of us he'd like to put him down. He usually picks David because Daddy plays silly with him while Mommy is all business. The other night though he wasn't too pleased with his choice when David did something to irritate him and he looked at his daddy and said, "I wish I wouldn't have picked you."

Monday, March 12, 2007

It's GREAT Being Four!

I didn't realize it but apparently there are many things you can do when you're four that you couldn't do when you were three. You can jump higher, run faster, and do many new 4 year old tricks. He is SO proud about being four. He tells everyone, strangers mostly since everyone else knows already, "Did you know I'm four now?" We were waiting in line at Sam's yesterday and there was a little girl in a cart in front of us. Thomas looked at her and held up four fingers. She smiled and then held up six fingers. He nodded his head like "Oh. Cool."

RIP Old Zackie Boy

After almost 16 years, Old Zackie Boy has gone to doggie heaven. He was a great friend and our first baby. We miss him already.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Happy Actual 4th Birthday Thomas!

Thomas is four years old today. We can't believe he's already that old. Time sure does fly when you're having fun.

He had his party on Saturday at a bounce house place. He had a great time playing with 13 of his closest friends and got lots of neat presents. He shared his birthday party with his birthday buddy James and with both of their friends running around it was crazy but fun. He wanted a Star Wars party because one of his friends had it for his party. He's never watched the movie and has no idea Darth Vader is the bad guy or else he probably wouldn't like him. But we had a Darth Vader cake and he got a Darth Vader costume and light saber which he keeps calling a life saver.

Saturday morning he woke up and said, "Today is March 5th, my birthday party!" So we tried to explain that Saturday was his birthday party but his birthday wasn't until Monday. He woke up yesterday and asked if it was his "actual birthday." I said that it wasn't yet. So today he was very excited to find out it was his ACTUAL birthday. He went around telling everyone that yesterday he was three but today he is four. He can't wait to go to school tomorrow to tell his friends that he's four like them.

This afternoon, Thomas got in trouble for something and started pouting. He was very quiet for several minutes and then said, "Mommy, I'm having a happy birthday but not a really happy, happy birthday." Guess he thought birthday boys shouldn't get in trouble on their big day.