Monday, February 27, 2006

Messes and More

One day over the weekend, Thomas was painting with watercolors at the kitchen table. He spilled some paint on the table and said, "Whoa Mommy! Look at this mess!" I asked him what he thought we should do about it. He thought for a minute and said, "Hmmm, maybe leave it alone." Even at his age, he knows it's not nearly as much fun cleaning up the messes as it is making them.

On Saturday morning we went to see Sesame Street Live with Natalie and her family. They both loved it and spent lots of time dancing along with Elmo and friends. Afterwards, we all went to eat lunch together. While we were eating, Thomas was trying to get Natalie's Dad's attention. He kept calling, "Daniel. Daniel! Daniel!!" Finally he said in an exasperated voice, "He's NOT hearing me!!!" At that point we all cracked up and he finally got Daniel's attention.

Since I can't remember if I've blogged about this before, I'm going to do it again. For quite some time now, if you want Thomas to say something, you ask him and he'll say no I can't say that, while he's actually saying whatever it was you wanted him to say in the first place. Over the weekend, David was talking to Thomas about Spanish words which we know he knows. They were talking about water and David told him that in Spanish, water is agua. David asked him if he could say "agua." Thomas said, "No, Daddy! I cannot say agua!" We tried not to laugh where he could see us but it always tickles us when things like that happen.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cool Dude

Cool Dude Posted by Picasa

Thought I'd try posting a picture of our boy since you've read so much about him.

Clothes, Swiping, and TV Stardom

Although Thomas doesn't take many naps these days, he still goes to his room every afternoon for an hour or so to rest. During this time, he might fall asleep (once a week or so) or else he reads books and plays with toys quietly. I think it's good to rest, for both of us. Lately though, I never know how I'll find him when rest time is over. He's been looking through his dresser and finding various things he wants to wear instead of what he already has on. We've actually had some winter weather lately, highs only in the 40s instead of the 80s we had the week before. Well, he was wearing sweat pants when he went down for his nap and when he got up he was wearing shorts. And he would pick the coldest days to put shorts on. His little legs felt cool but he was so proud of himself for finding and putting on his "short sleeve pants" that I hated to make him switch back to sweats.

Last night at dinner, Thomas was drinking milk but decided he needed a drink of my bottled water too. I gave it to him and he put it to his lips and drank and drank and drank. Teasingly I asked him if he was going to drink my whole bottle. He looked at me with the most serious face and said, "You can get another one Mommy." To which I replied, "Swiper no swiping!" He giggled since he's a Dora fan and that's an inside joke in our house.

And now to what you've been waiting for all these months. Our son is about to be a TV star! Well, we hope he'll be on anyway. He filmed an episode of the Food Network show Unwrapped in July and they are finally going to air it. Click on the link for more info about airtimes. The first one is March 6th at 9pm Eastern, 8pm Central. The episode is titled "Spreadable Edibles" and the segment Thomas and his friend Preston are hopefully in is about the Children's Art Cafe. He took an art class through them last summer and painted with edible paint. It was messy and fun. I know the photographer filmed him at least four times so hopefully he'll make it on air. He was wearing a blue striped shirt and blue shorts.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Tummy Talkin'

This afternoon after school, Thomas and I went to the park to play since it's such a beautiful day. And if you're wondering why he went to school since he just went to the doctor yesterday, all I can say is that she said to use my judgement and I decided he wasn't sick enough to miss his Valentine's Day party. Actually he's a pretty fast healer because he's basically acting fine today. Anyway, as I was saying, we had a great time at the park. Afterwards he was really thirsty and wanted a snack but I didn't have the diaper bag with me, therefore, no food or drinks readily available. He told me, "Mommy my tummy's growling." And then in a low grovely voice as if it were the tummy talking said, "My tummy growling, I need a snack!" Now it tickles me beyond belief hearing him use that voice and then to find out that his tummy refers to itself as a tummy cracked me up so I asked what his tummy wanted to eat. He said it needed okra and chicken from Chicken Express. I told him that wasn't a snack that was a meal so no dice. Then his tummy said, "My tummy needs grilled cheese and tator tots from Sonic!" Again tummy, that's a meal. So the tummy and I compromised and let him get some okra from Chicken Express. Not the healthiest snack in the world, but sometimes you just gotta let a hungry tummy have its way.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Doctor Again

I took Thomas to the doctor today. Seems like we keep having one type of illness after another these days: pink eye, stomach flu, and now ear infection and bronchitis.

He did great again and did everything the doctor and nurse asked him to do. We talked about it on the way to the doctor and he knew everything the doctor was going to do to him: listen to his chest and back and look in his ears, mouth and maybe nose. As we were waiting on the doctor (which took a while because every other kid in the city was sick too) I asked him if he could breathe deep breaths thinking that might help the doctor listen to his lungs better. He said, "No, I not going to do that. I'm going to open my mouth like this and turn my head this way and this way so she can look in my ears and then I going to turn this way and this way so she can listen to my chest and back." I figured since he was willing to do all those things on his own that maybe I was pushing my luck asking him to take deep breaths too.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sick, Mad, and "F" Words

Thomas has been sick this week and he very nicely shared it with me and then my mom, David's out of town so we hope he was spared. I would tell you that he threw up all over me during the Super Bowl but I did promise to warn you first about things like that so I won't. :-)

That only lasted a day or so and now he's got a cold and a pretty bad cough. After hearing him cough all night long, I decided he needed to take a different medicine so I brought out the Triaminic Yellow which is supposed to help that sort of thing. The only problem is that the yellow stuff tastes AWFUL. The other varieties taste pretty good and you'd think when you market medicine to children, you'd be able to make them ALL taste good but apparently not. The second he saw what kind I had for him, he started crying, "Oh Mommy not the yellow! I like purple!" I tried putting sugar in to help it taste better, which I don't know if you're supposed to do but I was desperate. With all other medicines, we give him the syringe and he'll take it himself. With the yellow, I ended up having to straddle him on the floor and force it into his mouth. He was sobbing and I was already regretting my decision and it didn't get any easier when through his sobs he started saying, "!!" Poor baby. Needless to say, we went back to flavors he likes the next time. It just wasn't worth it.

He's been identifying his emotions for quite a while now. Like the time about 6 months ago when he told me he wasn't grouchy he was grumpy. For the last few weeks though, he tells us every time he gets mad, which usually happens several times a day, especially when we ask him to do something he doesn't want to do. "Mommy, I just mad." "Mommy, I mad with that." "Mommy I am mad!" And most of the time, it's accompanied by him putting his fists on his hips which sometimes makes it very hard to keep a straight face.

Now for the third topic of the day, did you think he was saying the "F" word? Shame on you. After much practice, Thomas can now say his "Fs." He's so excited about it, he wants to know every single word that starts with "F" so he can practice saying it. Sometimes, he gets so excited, all the words we can think of aren't enough so he'll start saying things like, "fffffcookie that starts with an 'f''!" or "fffffffdragonfly!" He's had lots of practice using other sounds instead of the "F" so it'll take him a little time to get used to saying things the right way, but we're making progress.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Friends and Animals

On Thursday at school, one of the boys in the class pushed Thomas' friend Olivia. He was quite upset about it and has told the story repeatedly ever since. The story goes like this: "He pushed Olivia and she just cried! And I pointed my finger like this and I said, 'That's not nice to friends!' and then I gave Olivia a hug." We have a sweet boy to take care of his friends like that.

On Friday, we went to the Ft. Worth Stock Show with D'Ann and Natalie. It was raining and muddy but we had a great time. Actually, it's kind of funny but I felt like a tourist in Texas. I've lived here for 33 years but am a city girl. Going to the stock show was like visiting the Texas people from other states imagine. Everyone drove a pickup truck and wore boots, jeans, and cowboy hats. I felt out of place driving my SUV and wearing tennis shoes. :-) I'd also forgotten how chivalrous cowboys are. I've been lots of places with my stroller and never had anyone help me with it. But as we were trying to get on the trolley to go from the parking lot to the buildings (which would have been a LONG walk in the mud and rain), two cowboys jumped off and helped D'Ann and I lift our strollers up onto the trolley.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


We decided to let Thomas pick out his decorations for his birthday party, so I took him to Party City today to look around and see what he liked. Out of all the choices, I should have known which one he'd go with. He liked Buzz, and Elmo, and Thomas the Tank Engine, and The Wiggles, and well basically every other one he saw until he turned the corner and saw Chicken Little. After that, he wouldn't even consider another theme. So unless he changes his mind soon, he'll be having a Chicken Little party. Guess there could be worse Spongebob. No offense if you like that one but I can't stand it. :-)

In the car on the way home he asked me, "Mommy, is it 'mar whi?'" I had no earthly idea what that could be. As his mommy, I know he can't say his "s" "f" or "v" sounds yet so I was working through the possible translations in my mind but having no luck. I asked him if he could ask me his question another way so maybe I could understand it. He just said the same thing again, louder and with slightly more emphasis, "Mar whith!" Still had NO idea what he was trying to ask. Finally he said, "For my party!" Ooohhhh, March 5th! No, not for another month. Eeek, my baby's going to be three in one more month!