Saturday, June 28, 2008


Saturday night, we ate dinner with my parents and grandmother at On The Border. The waitress was really taken with Thomas (and if you keep up with the blog, you might remember another OTB waitress flirting with him, but this was a different one). He was being such a little man ordering our queso, his dinner, talking to her about his brother, politely asking for more water, stuff like that. She told him she thought he was so cute and said, "I just have to ask you something, do you like girls?" He paused. Thought for a minute and then said, "Wellllll, I'm not used to them yet." We all cracked up.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This morning, I went to wake Thomas up to get ready for camp. He was sleeping hard and it was taking a few minutes to get him up. I gently said, "Thomas" a couple times and rubbed his back. He still didn't stir. Jonathan was entertaining himself with all of Thomas' forbidden toys and I went over to try to stop him from putting a small pirate cannon in his mouth. All of a sudden, Thomas yelled, "Boo!" I jumped and Thomas died laughing. I said, "I thought you were still asleep!" He kept laughing and said, "No, I'm still awake!"

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yes, Sir!!

The other night we went out to eat at Chili's. We ordered their Skillet Queso appetizer and Thomas actually liked it this time. Usually he says it's too spicy. So the three of us were sharing the chips and cheese and Jonathan was munching on chips. Then Thomas started yelling at David and me for eating too much cheese. He told us twice to slow down and then said, "Alright now, that's it. I'm going to have to cut you off." Bossy little thing.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Camp Stories

Thomas had his first day of camp today. He's going with his friend James and is his first all day summer camp. It goes from 9-4 every day this week. This camp is so popular, I signed him up for it in November. November. For camp in June. That should tell you everything you need to know. We went to Open House at the camp a couple weekends ago and David and I thought it looked awesome. Zip lines, rock climbing walls, three swimming pools, to name a few.

Thomas was a little nervous this morning which is understandable when doing something new. He and James are in the same little group and I know that helped. David and I couldn't wait to hear all about his first day. When I picked him up, I asked how his first day at camp was. He said, "Mommy, I think I'm just going to wait to talk about it tonight that way I only have to say it once." I said, "No! You tell me now because you might forget by tonight!!!" in as whiny a voice as I could. :-) He sighed and then started talking. Then later I called David on the cell phone because I knew he was waiting to hear. Thomas saw me and yelled, "Don't tell Daddy anything!" So all I could say was that he had fun and would tell David all about it tonight. But I will tell you a little something. Thomas did the zip line today which he hadn't planned on but said it was "awesome!" Oh yeah, and if being absolutely filthy is a sign of how much fun you had, he had a blast.

It is very hot here today and since I didn't know exactly how camp worked, I packed two waters, a juice box, his lunch and his towel in his backpack. I asked if that was enough drinks for him. He said, "Yep. Two waters." I said, "Well, what about the juice box? Isn't it nice to have that as a choice too?" He said, "Mommmyyy, I think the word you're looking for is POWERade." So tomorrow, POWERade it is.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lemonade Stand

We had a garage sale today and Thomas HAD to have a lemonade stand. He decided to serve pink lemonade and made the sign for his table last night. I told him last night that we'd already be outside with the garage sale when he woke up this morning and that he should get dressed and meet us outside whenever he did. So he came running out, fully dressed, about 20 seconds after his eyes opened this morning. Hmmm. Why is it that it takes 20 minutes of cajoling to get him moving when it's something I need him to do, but when he wants to, he can do it lickety split?
Here's my cutie serving lemonade. He made $7.50. We didn't expect him to earn so much money, but almost everyone who stopped by bought lemonade from him even if they didn't buy anything from us. One older woman walked up to his table and asked him how much it was. He said, "A quarter." She said, "A quarter huh?" And since he's still learning his salesmanship skills, he didn't ask if she wanted one, he said, a little sheepishly, but matter-of-factly, "Well. That's what the sign says." She laughed and bought one.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bridge Sequence

Monday at Six Flags, Thomas, James, and Amy found a ride they LOVED: Aquaman Splashdown. None of them had ridden it before and they tried to make up for that lost time by riding it repeatedly. (For how many times exactly, see below.) When they finally got off, they decided they weren't quite wet enough and decided to wait on the bridge while another boat came down. Here's the series. Thomas is wearing the orange shirt in the middle. Amy and James are on either side of him.
Waiting for the water. See Thomas trying to put one hand up? He just saw Amy do it before she decided maybe she'd better hold on. Thomas compromised. Safety and adventure.
Here it comes!
HOW many times did you three ride that?

Monday, June 09, 2008

Bedtime Books

Thomas has been staying up late recently "reading" books. One night last week, he was still awake at 10 when David went in to check on him reading his bible. He told me the next morning, "Mommy, I stayed up till 10 o'clock reading my bible!! I read all the way to the story about the fish." I said, "Jonah?" "No, Mommy, the one about Jesus and the fish." That's a lot of reading when you start at the beginning.

Last night, he wanted me to come check on him after David put him down and I put Jonathan down. I went into his room and he asked me to get him a book but not one of the ones on his nightstand because he'd already read all of those. I got him one and then asked him not to stay up too late because he needed his rest since we were going to Six Flags today. He said, "Ok, Mommy. I'll stay up early."

Sunday, June 08, 2008


After getting ready to go see Kung Fu Panda with Dayton on Friday, Thomas said, "Mommy, don't you think I look handsome today?" I had to agree. He put the outfit together himself, including his necklace from Turks and Caicos.

And how was Kung Fu Panda you ask? Several times during the movie Thomas said, "This is the best movie ever!" And then when it was over he said, "Mommy, that was the best movie I ever saw!!!" I had to agree. It was a very good movie...very funny. One of the best kid movies I've seen in a long time. And sitting beside my 5 year old, enjoying his multiple squeals of laughter, made it a perfect experience. Even better since Mom and Dad watched Jonathan so I could actually SEE the movie. :-)

Friday, June 06, 2008


Natalie was with us yesterday afternoon for several hours while her big sister was at an end of school party. We went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch and on our way home, I overheard this conversation.

Natalie: Hey, Thomas, wanna hear a joke?
Thomas: Sure!
Natalie: Told some nonsensical joke about a bull that I don't exactly remember.
Thomas: Natalie, that's ridiculous!
Followed by peals of laughter.
Thomas: Ok, Natalie, now it's my turn. Why did the skeleton cross the road?
Natalie: A pause and then. Oh no, not THAT one again!
Together: Because he didn't have the guts!
More peals of laughter.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

New Glasses

Thomas went to the eye doctor yesterday. Not just any eye doctor but a pediatric opthamologist. La di da! :-) Anyway, his pediatrician recommended that we take him to one at his 5 year check-up. With everything that was going on then, we didn't get around to it till now. David went with us to help corral Jonathan. The technician did an initial eye exam before the doctor came in. Just asking Thomas what letters popped up on the screen. I was standing by Thomas and David was over with Jonathan by the door. I knew immediately that he was going to be getting glasses when he couldn't see what I could so very clearly see. They dilated his eyes so the doctor could examine him and he said, "You know, I actually don't like drops in my eyes." It was so polite and I hated that we had to make him do it anyway. Thirty minutes later, he had the official examination. The doctor said his right eye is basically normal for his age, but that his left eye showed some astigmatism. So he's going to wear these glasses for now and then depending on how things have changed by the end of August, he might have to wear an eye patch on his good eye a few hours a day to strengthen the left eye.

So this morning we went to pick out his new glasses. David and I both wanted him to have some cute ones. Not just silver metal frames, and no offense if that's what you prefer. I took him to Walmart first because I figured why spend a lot of money on kid glasses that will likely be broken. Well, 95% of their frames were plain metal. No character at all. So then we went to Eyemasters in the mall. They had 3 times as many frames and we actually had a hard time deciding.

Thomas picked out this first pair because he said you could see flames out of the corner of your eye (with the light reflecting off the tortoiseshell part) and that he could practice his karate with them on. When viewed from above there's a lime green color visible too which he loved since green is one of his two favorite colors.
Then, since they had a deal going on to buy two pairs for a good price, we picked out this pair too. From the front, they kind of look like mine which he liked. Viewed from above, they look yellowish-goldish. Thomas says it's gold and I'm sure it'll come into play sometime when we're pretending to be pirates.
He'd been eating Fun Dip before taking these pics and wanted to do a silly one to show off his tongue.