Thursday, May 31, 2007

5 stories

Tonight at dinner, David asked Thomas what we did today. Thomas said, "We went to Chuck E. Cheese, then did other things, and then nothing." David and I cracked up and he looked at me and said, "If you still wrote on the blog, this would be a good story to add." So here you go honey. :-)

A few weeks ago, we all went to an open house at Thomas' school. I was helping him get dressed and he decided to let me spike his hair so he could be cute. I tucked his shirt in and he immediately tried to untuck it. I asked him to leave it tucked. He looked at me and said, "But Mommy, I don't want to look TOO handsome." Good effort but the shirt stayed tucked and boy was he handsome.

Thomas picked out some Superman sunglasses the other day at Target but I didn't let him open them till we got home. As we were bringing the bags in, I dropped one of them on my foot and of course it was the bag with new cookie sheets in it. I was hopping around and Thomas asked me what happened. I told him I'd dropped a bag on my toe and his immediate question was, "Did you break my sunglasses?" I had to laugh and then told him thanks for being worried about my toe. He said, in all seriousness, "No, Mommy, I was worried about my sunglasses."

Thomas told us the other day that he was going to marry Natalie when they grew up. We said that was fine with us. A couple days later, we were driving in the car and out of the blue, Thomas said, "I'm not going to get married." We asked why not. He said that he was going to stay home with us to which we wanted to know what changed his mind. He said, "Well at Six Flags I asked Natalie and she said she didn't want to get married and was going to stay with her mommy and daddy so I'm going to do it too!" Poor guy, a rejection at 4. Hopefully, he'll wait another 20 years before proposing again.

As you can probably tell, Thomas tends to think about things for a while and then out of the blue pop something on you. He told me the other day that he didn't want to be in the 4 year old class at his school next year. I asked why. He said, with great indignation, that in the four year old class you have to swing yourself on the swing and he didn't want to have to swing himself. But he's very excited about going to Kindergarten in a year, a fact which makes his mommy sad. My baby's growing up!

I said 5 stories but you're getting a bonus story to go with the picture. Thomas was already dressed for the day when he saw his brother wearing overalls. He immediately said he had to wear overalls too and changed his clothes to match Jonathan and then asked me to take their picture. Sure are cute boys huh?

Sunday, May 06, 2007

6 weeks later

Time sure does fly with two little boys in the house. This picture was taken the day Thomas decided he was going to be a daddy like his friend James. James wears ties to school sometimes so Thomas wanted to as well. He was so excited and proud to be a daddy and couldn't wait to get to school to show James. He said that James wouldn't recognize him because he was a daddy but that James would know his voice. He wore the tie the entire school day (5 hours) and he and James called each other Daddy the whole time.

We got home one day and David jokingly told Thomas that the fat guy said it was time to get out of the car. Thomas said, "Daddy, you're not fat! You're just big and hairy!" We still laugh about that one.

Last weekend, Thomas helped my mom work in her flower bed. He dug a big hole with his shovel , jammed it in the ground, and then noticed a worm crawling toward the shovel. He told my mom there was a worm and my mom told him the worm was probably just trying to figure out what that was. Thomas leaned down really close and said, "Worm! It's a SHOVEL!"

Thomas still loves counting. It's a great way to pass the time while driving. We'll count every other number all the way to 100. Thomas does really well and usually remembers what comes next, i.e. 20, 30, 40, etc. Sometimes he leaves out 13 and 15 but who needs them anyway? The other day, he was counting and got to 99 and stopped. I asked if he remembered what came next and he said, "Tenty!" Close.

Well, those are a few highlights from the last month or so. Maybe you'll hear from me again soon. If not, see you in June! :-)