Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Lost, Found, and Sleepy Ankles

Last night, my mom called to ask Thomas where her 3 pound hand weights were. Thomas loves playing with them at Grandma and Grandpa's so she knew he was the last one to use them. He said, "They're on the fireplace." which is where they should have been but weren't. I asked him to think where else he might have put them. He thought for a minute or two and then said, "They're by Grandma's bed." She went in to look and sure enough, there they were under her side of the bed. Nothing like having to ask a three year old where your stuff is...

Last night at bedtime, Thomas trotted out a new excuse for not going to sleep. He called down and said that he was trying to go to sleep but there was a problem. "My ankles are sleepy but the rest of my body says that it wants to wake up!" We told him to just lay there and rest and that we were sure that soon his ankle would convince the rest of his body to go to sleep. One minute later he was out.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Has It Been Two Weeks Already?

Wow! How time flies. Thomas and I have been enjoying having David home with us lately and I haven't gotten around to updating the blog. Hope you haven't missed us too much.

Wanted to share a few things that have tickled us lately. In the past, I've written about our struggles getting him in bed at night. That has basically ceased. The most trouble we have these days is his common excuse when we tell him goodnight and we'll see him in the morning. He'll say, "But I'm not the fastest sleeper!" I'm not sure why he thinks that'll work because we always reassure him that he doesn't have to be the fastest, but he still keeps trotting that excuse out.

David and I have had our girl baby name picked out long before we ever got pregnant. It's the boy name that we're struggling with so we decided to ask Thomas his opinion. We asked him if he liked William or Jonathan better for a boy name. He thought for a second and then said, "I like John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt!" So, you can bet if we decide on Jonathan, Thomas already has his nickname chosen.

Thomas is in a phase now that I'm really enjoying. I don't know how long it'll last but I'm going to bask in it for as long as I can. He thinks his mommy is the prettiest girl he's ever seen and isn't afraid to tell you so. We went to eat at Babe's the other night and at that restaurant when the Hokey Pokey plays on the jukebox, all the waitresses dance in the middle of the restaurant. So when at least 20 college age girls got out there and did the Hokey Pokey, Thomas really liked it but when telling the story later he'd say, "Yeah, but they were not as cute as Mommy!"

We all went to an end of busy time party with David's coworkers and their families on Saturday. Thomas made several new friends and had a great time. At one point, he needed to go potty and invited his new friend Josh, aged 2 1/2, to come with him. So Josh's dad and I stood outside the bathroom listening to Thomas give Josh a pottying lesson. We heard Josh say, "Look tee tee!" Then a few seconds later, Thomas said, "Ok, now it's your turn." Don't think Josh tried that time but Thomas did show him how you have to wash your hands and flush afterwards. He was very pleased with himself for being the big boy and teaching someone else how to do it. He's going to be a great big brother.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Superman Posted by Picasa

Thomas decided quite a while ago that he was going to be Superman for Halloween and we ordered his costume early so he could enjoy it longer. His costume arrived this week while he was sick with his cold. And if anything could make a boy feel better, it's dressing up like a superhero. As a matter of fact, I tried to give him some cold medicine while he was wearing his costume and he informed me that Superman didn't need medicine because he didn't get sick.

The first time he put his costume on, he looked in the mirror and said, "Oh Mommy, I'm not Thomas anymore, I'm Superman!!" Kids are so much fun.

Weekly Update

Hey everyone,

It's been a busy week for us and Thomas has entertained us as usual. He's had a cold for the last week and goes through tissues like crazy. Thomas does really well covering his mouth every time he coughs so David and I decided not to make a big deal of the fact that he uses a different tissue for every single wipe of his nose. He went through 3 boxes of tissues the week of his cold but at least he wasn't wiping it with his hand or on his shirt.

Last weekend, David was still crazy busy at work so Thomas and I rode with my parents to Lubbock. Thomas decided that we should fly and not drive because flying was much faster. I reminded him we only fly to Lubbock when it's just the two of us and we drive when we go with anyone else. All the way to Lubbock, he kept saying it was taking too long and that he told us we should have flown. And he was right too because with the rain, holiday traffic, and construction our drive out there took 6 1/2 hours and our return trip took 7 1/2 hours when it should have only taken 5.

Lately, Thomas decided his pillowcase was too rough and wouldn't put it on his pillow. He said the pillow was softer without it. In order to encourage him to use a pillowcase, which can easily be washed, I gave him one of my satin pillowcases that my grandmother made for me. He LOVES it and called to tell my grandma how much he was enjoying it. She offered to make him one of his very own and asked him what color he wanted. He said, red, then green, yellow, pink, purple, blue, white, clear, and then cracked himself up before naming any other colors. When we got to Lubbock, we went to visit my grandparents. She gave him a gift sack with the pillowcases inside she'd made for him. He looked at his red and blue pillowcases and said, "Oh wow....where's the rest of them?"

All along, Thomas has been planning on naming the baby Buzz Lightyear no matter what sex it is. But lately he decided that if it was a girl, he'd name her Woody. And on the way home from Lubbock, he told me that he also thought Gma would be a great name for a girl. Gma is what he calls my grandmother.