Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Jumping with Daddy Posted by Picasa

Thomas and David like to jump on our bed together at night. In this pic, they're playing a game Mommy doesn't like to watch. It's called "Try To Touch the Ceiling" but I still had to take a pic since they were having so much fun.

Little Swimmer

Going to swim class Posted by Picasa

Here's one of Thomas all dressed up and ready for swim class. He's wearing Chicken Little all the way: swimsuit, shirt, backpack and beach towel. He's got about 5 swimsuits now so we'll have to spend lots of time at our friends' pools this summer practicing his new skills and utilizing all those suits.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Choices and Cottontails

Yesterday we were out running errands together and needed to get something from Walgreen's. As we were pulling in the parking lot, Thomas said, "Mommy you have two choices. You can go in by yourself or I can go in with you." I asked which one I should choose and he said "I go in with you." So even though it took longer and he could have waited in the car with David, he went in with me and was a very good helper.

Over the weekend we went to see Peter Cottontail on stage at Casa Manana. Thomas had a blast. David and I really enjoyed it too. It was cute and witty and since it's in a smaller theater the action was must closer. At one point, the two "bad" guys are chasing Peter Cottontail trying to catch him and they actually ran down our row saying "excuse me, pardon me" the whole way. That really tickled Thomas to have the action right where he was. Afterwards, the cast signed autographs and Thomas wanted them to write his name. When I explained they were writing their own names, he then started asking them to "draw" on his book. If you live in the area, I highly recommend you taking the time to go see it even if you have to borrow a kid to go with you. :-)

We've been intensely working on potty training for a few weeks now and it's finally going well. Thomas has done great as long as we are home and he's half naked. It's been remembering to go while we are out that he's had difficulty with but today he actually went on two different potties while we were running errands. He also complimented me yesterday on my "awesome tee tee" and told me I was a big girl when he went in with me to the restroom. It tickled me but I know it was high praise in his book.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Mr. Mommy and Music

Thomas and I were reading his new Caillou book that he got for his birthday. It's a story about how Caillou wants to be just like his daddy. On one page, Caillou says he wants to be a daddy when he grows up. I asked Thomas if he wanted to be a daddy when he grew up. He said, "No, I want to be a Mommy." I didn't tell him that barring major medical advances in the next 20 years, he's out of luck on that one. :-)

I haven't listened to country music in years but the other day a song popped into my head and without thinking I sang a little of it while we were driving. Thomas loved it and repeatedly asked me to sing "The Baby Song." Don't know who sang it but the chorus goes, "Oh me, oh my sweet baby said good-bye..." On the opposite end of the spectrum, one of Thomas' latest jokes is while he's eating a meal that he thinks is pretty good, he'll say, "This is nasty and yucky!" and giggle like crazy. So David taught him Janet Jackson's "Nasty" and it is pretty funny to hear Thomas singing, "Nasty, nasty boy, don't mean a thing."

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Throwing Fits and Good Manners

We were at my parents' house last weekend visiting with all of my Dad's brothers and sisters who came up for the weekend. We had a wonderful time seeing everyone and Thomas was enjoying entertaining them. At one point, he wanted to play a game that was in the closet in one of the bedrooms. Since someone was in that room with the door closed, we told him he'd have to wait. He wasn't very happy about that and threw a mini-fit. He came running over to me crying and I said, "It's hard when you don't get your way isn't it?" He said, "Yeah! It's no fun at all!!"

I know I wrote about his manners, or lack thereof, a while back. Thought it was time to give an update. They have improved greatly and we're back to being the parents who feel like maybe we're doing something right when he is polite without being prompted. He almost always says "please" and "thank you" and now throws in "excuse me" and "you're welcome" and loves to hold the door open for people when we're out. We're proud of him for being such a polite young man. Tonight, he and David were sharing some candy and he offered some to me. I said, "No thank you." and he looked at me and said, "Thank you for using your manners, Mommy."

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Swimming and More

Thomas is taking his first swimming lessons by himself, one of the priviledges of turning three. He is SO cute to watch because he does everything his teacher asks with as much enthusiasm as a three year old can muster...which by the way is a LOT. If he's asked to lay on his back and kick his feet, he kicks as hard as he can with his legs going perpendicular to the water and back down. If he's asked to put his face in the water, which some of the older ones even have a hard time with, he dunks his whole head and comes up grinning. He's SO excited about learning to swim.

The other night we went to see Bethany, Natalie's big sister, in a musical at her school. It was really good and the kids did a great job. Thomas watched the first hour really well. The last 30 minutes though, he was ready for it to be over. After a song ended, he'd say "That was really good. Time to go!" or "I liked that one. Let's go now!"

Being a mom of a boy, I wondered if he'd want to play the kinds of games with me that little girls play with their mommies. Games like Beauty Shop. I found out this week that he does. He just does it a little differently. For example, his idea of making my hair look pretty is to comb it all in front of my face. And when he decided I needed a haircut, he used his pliers. :-)

Monday, March 06, 2006


Well, if you missed it, Thomas is now a TV star! :-) The episode of Unwrapped aired tonight and it was so fun watching him. We hoped he'd be on at least once and to our surprise and enjoyment he was on 4 or 5 times! It was so FUN!!! And it was amazing how much he'd changed since that was filmed last July. He still looks like a baby on the show but to me he looks like a big boy now. 7 or 8 months is a long time at this age, and a long time to wait for a TV show to air!

It was funny because I saw Thomas in the teaser for the upcoming segment and I picked up the phone to call my mom and see if she was watching but instead of a dial tone, I heard my friend Jennifer yelling, "I just saw him!" While I was talking to Jennifer during the commercial, my mom clicked in to tell me the same thing. After the show, I've talked to or heard from 6 different friends and family members and the show only aired an hour ago. I'm glad we have friends and family who get as excited about these things as we do.

If you missed it, the show airs again tonight at midnight Central time and Friday night at 6:30 Central.

And if you're worried, I feel pretty certain that although he's a big star now, he'll probably still acknowledge his friends and family. I will too, but I was only on for about 1 second, thank goodness. :-)

Birthday Party Weekend

Our boy is now a three year old! We had a great weekend filled with lots of birthday parties. I've mentioned Thomas' friends James and Preston before and how they're all the same age (well Preston is two days older than James and Thomas). Preston's party was on Friday, Thomas' on Saturday, and James' on Sunday. All three were a blast!

Preston's party had the Three Musketeers theme and was really neat. Leave it to Cristina to make her own party favors and Musketeer outfits for the boys to wear along with a huge spread of amazing food for adults and kids alike. She's so creative, a trait I admire but do not have.

That's why we had Thomas' at My Gym. :-) We had 16 kids celebrating his birthday with us including his friends, some of their siblings, and his cousins Mason and Palmer who we were so glad to have visiting from New York and able to come to his birthday party. Thomas had a blast except when we asked him to be the center of attention, like to blow out the candles. Then he just cried, so his friends helped him do it. If we just left him alone to play with his friends, he had a ball. It was a lot of fun!

James' party was at Clubhouse for Kids which was a really neat place. There was a big treehouse with a slide, a rockclimbing wall, a grocery store, a dress-up room, a kitchen, a block room, a game room, and much more. Thomas ran from room to room and tried it all, even the do-it-yourself face painting after watching James expertly decorate his own face.

After three days of partying, plus a week of fun playing with Mason and Palmer, Thomas is exhausted, but we wouldn't trade one single moment for anything!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Birthday Boy

Here's a pic of the birthday boy with some of his gifts. He had a pretty good haul! Posted by Picasa


Aaaarrrgghhh! Posted by Picasa

Mike and Amy gave Thomas a dress-up basket with lots of great costumes. Here's the first one he wanted to try on. He called himself Thomas Pirate and immediately wanted to dance the Pirate Dance with our Wiggles DVD while wearing his costume.