Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten

Thomas had his first day of Kindergarten today. He's going to the same school he's gone to for the last three years and knows most of his classmates. But it's in a different building and with different teachers and he was nervous today. He was talking about how nervous he was at breakfast in that teary/cryey voice that just breaks my heart. And he was talking about it as we were getting dressed and I tried mentioning the new girl and how scared she must be not knowing anyone but that he knew pretty much everyone. And we talked about it in the car on the way to school when he said, "My outside is unnervous but my inside..." I asked if his inside was a little nervous and he said, "No, my inside is a LOT nervous." And as I was getting ready to leave his class, he started crying, not screaming and sobbing like one of his classmates, just tearing up. I gave him lots of hugs and left knowing he was in good hands. When I picked him up, he said, "Mommy, remember how at art class I started out nervous and then things got better?" I said that I did. He said, "Well it was the SAME thing in Kindergarten! I was sad when you left but then I just recognized that I could do it and I did!" And he did. We're so proud of our Kindergartener. Seems like just yesterday he was born...

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I thought I posted this a couple weeks ago. Just noticed today it hadn't.

While we were at the lake, Bobby swam under the dock with Thomas. It's a neat place for little boys...very cave-like. You won't get me under there though, too many creepy crawlies. I was up on the dock while they were swimming under it and heard Thomas yell, "Uncle Bobby get your splashers ready!" Can you figure out what that meant? That's right, to get the spider webs and various other bugs out of the way, Bobby would splash water on them.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


We LOVE the Olympics in our house. Thomas' favorite thing so far has been the Opening Ceremony. The drummers were totally awesome. He watched intently the whole first hour yelling repeatedly, "This is the best show I've ever seen!!" And since we still have it on our DVR, we've watched it several times since then.

He also likes watching the sporting events, but he cheers differently that us. He always ALWAYS cheers for China. Even if he just walks through the room while a race is going on, he'll yell out, "Go China!!" If they're not in the particular event on TV then Thomas will condescend to cheering for the U.S. We were watching one of the swimming relays last week and David and I were yelling and happy that the American team had won. Thomas stood there, stomped his foot, and said, "I am SO mad at China!" I'm not even sure China was in the race, but he was still mad at them.

On a completely unrelated note, if you've been following the birthday gift saga, or lack thereof saga, you might be wondering what happened. David did not get me anything, and no, Wanda, it is NOT ok. :-) I bought my own present when we were at the outlet mall in San Marcos last week. Let's just say the letters C-O-A-C-H were involved and David actually likes it.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Social Cues

Thomas is really picking up on social cues a lot more these days. Maybe that's not the right phrase for it, but I mean the hidden meanings and clues in adult conversations. Just like him knowing I wasn't happy about the lack of birthday gift even though the conversation we were having was in a joking tone.

Well, last night another one happened. Mom and Dad came over after we had all eaten dinner together. At the restaurant, Thomas had asked Dad to play Lego Star Wars with him...big shock huh? As Dad was walking into the house, he said, "Thomas, what are Wiiiiii going to play?" I looked at him and slightly sarcastically said, "Ha ha" at his lame joke. Thomas immediately said, "Grandpa that's not laughing."

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Fishing, Fighting, and Fun

I started this post two weeks ago and never finished it. It might not be perfect but I'm going to post it now before another two weeks go by.

Thomas and David went fishing for the first time a couple weekends ago. They were both really excited about it. When Thomas woke up that morning, he immediately came downstairs and into our bedroom (unusual for him as he usually calls for us over the monitor wanting us to come to him) and woke David up. He said, "Daddy, this is going to be the best day of my young life." I think maybe it was.

We drove to Keller several weeks ago for Bryanna's 2nd birthday party. Since we hadn't been to their house in a while, we set the navigation system to tell us the best route there. As we were getting close to their house, Thomas started repeating everything the car told us to do: Turn right in 1/4 mile, next right turn, etc. After listening to Thomas' repititions for several minutes, David said, "Ok, dude, I got it." Thomas said, "But Daddy, I'm just trying to be helpful." His little innocent expression and priceless inflection cracked us up.

I've told you before about Thomas and Lego Star Wars. He's still obsessed. He and I have managed to unlock every level of every movie over the last month or so and he's really proud of that. The other night, we let Thomas play a little bit before bed. After about 15 minutes or so, David said, "Ok, buddy, time to turn it off. Thomas looked at David and said, "But Daddy, can I just start a couple bar fights?" Definitely words we never thought would come out of our five year old's mouth.

We celebrated my birthday early today because Grandma is going home tomorrow and I wanted her to get to celebrate with us. We were meeting at Cheesecake Factory at 5. David worked all morning and and did bring me flowers when he came in. A little after 1, David looked at me and said, "You didn't want any birthday presents right?" I stared at him and said, "You ARE kidding me aren't you?" He said he wasn't. I then said, "Are you seriously telling me that four hours before we're celebrating my birthday, you're asking for gift suggestions? Haven't you been listening to anything I've said over the last few months? Pick one of them." He apparently didn't listen to any of my suggestions over that time because he claimed he had no idea what I wanted. Thomas listened to this interchange and then said, "Mommy, you're not happy are you?" David and I both laughed hysterically over that one. I didn't tell him any new suggestions and so far he hasn't gotten me anything but he does have until Tuesday. I don't want to have to buy my own gift again this year, but if I do, I can guarantee you it's going to be a big one. :-)