Friday, April 03, 2009

Two Quick Stories

I can't believe how long it's been since I've written on the boys blogs. I mean, I can't believe how long it's been since I've written on Thomas' blog and Jonathan's written on his. ;-) At least I'm posting pics on my other blog so you have some idea of what they've been up to.

Thomas was going to wrestle with David the other night and looked at him, waggled his fingers and said, "Bring it on old man!"

We went to eat chinese food a couple weeks ago and for the first time ever, he tried one piece of chicken in a sweet sauce called Stripped Chicken. He noticed that he'd gotten a little of the sauce on his hand and said, "I've gotta get this Chinese sauce off my hand!" Then he proceeded to eat the rest of his chicken and french fries, which is what he usually eats. After the meal, he sat back and said, "Woo! I'm FULL of Chinese food!"

As his proud mommy, I get to tell you that he's finished all 40 readers at school and is now working on additional readers. No one else in his class is even close to finished so we're definitely proud of our little reading machine. It's funny when they start reading though, some of the things you'd rather they didn't read, they do. Like flipping through the guide on the TV, he sees shows he wants to watch and asks for them even though I didn't want him to know that particular show was on because I didn't want to see it AGAIN. And ordering food from the kid's menu, he now gets onto me for not pointing out all the options. He'll say, "You didn't say taco and enchiladas and hamburgers." Of course, I didn't because he won't eat them. But hey, maybe if he can read them, he'll start eating them.