Thomas went to the eye doctor yesterday. Not just any eye doctor but a pediatric opthamologist. La di da! :-) Anyway, his pediatrician recommended that we take him to one at his 5 year check-up. With everything that was going on then, we didn't get around to it till now. David went with us to help corral Jonathan. The technician did an initial eye exam before the doctor came in. Just asking Thomas what letters popped up on the screen. I was standing by Thomas and David was over with Jonathan by the door. I knew immediately that he was going to be getting glasses when he couldn't see what I could so very clearly see. They dilated his eyes so the doctor could examine him and he said, "You know, I actually don't like drops in my eyes." It was so polite and I hated that we had to make him do it anyway. Thirty minutes later, he had the official examination. The doctor said his right eye is basically normal for his age, but that his left eye showed some astigmatism. So he's going to wear these glasses for now and then depending on how things have changed by the end of August, he might have to wear an eye patch on his good eye a few hours a day to strengthen the left eye.
So this morning we went to pick out his new glasses. David and I both wanted him to have some cute ones. Not just silver metal frames, and no offense if that's what you prefer. I took him to Walmart first because I figured why spend a lot of money on kid glasses that will likely be broken. Well, 95% of their frames were plain metal. No character at all. So then we went to Eyemasters in the mall. They had 3 times as many frames and we actually had a hard time deciding.
Thomas picked out this first pair because he said you could see flames out of the corner of your eye (with the light reflecting off the tortoiseshell part) and that he could practice his karate with them on. When viewed from above there's a lime green color visible too which he loved since green is one of his two favorite colors.

Then, since they had a deal going on to buy two pairs for a good price, we picked out this pair too. From the front, they kind of look like mine which he liked. Viewed from above, they look yellowish-goldish. Thomas says it's gold and I'm sure it'll come into play sometime when we're pretending to be pirates.

He'd been eating Fun Dip before taking these pics and wanted to do a silly one to show off his tongue.
Hello yall! I think Thomas looks very smart in both glasses!! I hope he enjoys wearing them! Hope all is going great with yall! Seems like yall have been very busy. That is always good!
Thomas I really like your new glasses! I think they make you look very intelligent (which I know you are!) Can you still burp with them on?
Bobby, that's very funny. Thomas giggled when I told him what you said. And the answer is a resounding YES! :-)
Good to see comments from you and Crystal both!! Thanks for reading!
I sent this pic to Mom and she said "he looks just like his mother"!!! Too cute!!!!!!!
Which one, Traci? The one with his tongue out looking silly? ;-)
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