We had a garage sale today and Thomas HAD to have a lemonade stand. He decided to serve pink lemonade and made the sign for his table last night. I told him last night that we'd already be outside with the garage sale when he woke up this morning and that he should get dressed and meet us outside whenever he did. So he came running out, fully dressed, about 20 seconds after his eyes opened this morning. Hmmm. Why is it that it takes 20 minutes of cajoling to get him moving when it's something I need him to do, but when he wants to, he can do it lickety split?

Here's my cutie serving lemonade. He made $7.50. We didn't expect him to earn so much money, but almost everyone who stopped by bought lemonade from him even if they didn't buy anything from us. One older woman walked up to his table and asked him how much it was. He said, "A quarter." She said, "A quarter huh?" And since he's still learning his salesmanship skills, he didn't ask if she wanted one, he said, a little sheepishly, but matter-of-factly, "Well. That's what the sign says." She laughed and bought one.
1 comment:
Way to go Thomas. Looks like you earned your $7.50 with some good old fashion hard work.
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