Sunday, December 04, 2005


Well, if you're around Thomas and do anything at all, I'm going to find out about it. The other night, my parents kept Thomas so David and I could go to a concert (we saw Jason Mraz and at 35 felt old in the audience but that's another story). They let him decide where they were going to go eat and he picked our favorite Mexican food restaurant. The next day, he told me he got to eat M&Ms at Danielitas. I just thought maybe Mom found some in the diaper bag or maybe he'd found some M&Ms in the leftover Halloween candy at home. Today, we found out he was telling the truth. David wanted to go there tonight and Thomas said, "Oh boy, I eat M&Ms after my all done eating dinner!" After questioning him about where exactly he planned to get them, he said, "I go show you!" and ran across the restaurant to the front doors where they keep the 25 cent candy dispensers...the bane of every parent. His grandparents were busted. And come to find out, he was just looking at the candy with my parents and his GRANDPA suggested they buy M&Ms. Thanks a lot Grandpa. It's not that I mind he ate M&Ms, it's just that we go to Danielitas a LOT.

Tonight, I was practicing the piano while Thomas and David were playing in the other room. After a few minutes, Thomas came running in holding his big green ball and said, "Daddy bopped this ball and hit the TV!!!" It's a big no no in our house to hit the TV with anything and Thomas knew it. I told him to tell Daddy he was in trouble. As Thomas walked back into the living room, I heard David say, "Did you tell on me?!?" Thomas said, "YEAH!!" and cracked up. Busted again. :-)


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say "Hey" and I love reading "Tales of Thomas"! Thanks for the laughs! Enjoy every minute with him, because even tho' you may not believe it today, time will fly! I know that Christmas will be really fun this year!
Carolyn (in AZ) <><

Anonymous said...

Isn't that what grandparents are for?
