Monday, December 12, 2005

More Stories

Thomas loves making up his own songs these days. One of his favorites goes like this, "Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, I don't know you!" Don't know where that came from but it makes me laugh every time I hear it, which is at least 10 times a day. He also made up the "Granny" song one day at breakfast. It basically went like this, "Granny Granny Granny Granny Granny Granny!" followed by giggles.

He also "reads" books. He actually does very well. We love hearing him read "Old Hat New Hat" because he says, "Too hancy (fancy) too hrilly (frilly) too hiney (shiny) toooo hilly (silly)." Tonight, he read me "Are You My Mother?" and remembered most of the words. Not just "Are you my mother" and "No" but "The baby bird asked the cow, 'You am my mother?' and the cow say 'I not your mother. I am a cow.' " What can I say? He must take after his mother. ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Love the stories of your dear Thomas! They always make me grin or laugh out loud. Hope you are all well. We are...just busy. Got to go see "Narnia" with a friend last night. On the way home we were talking about our favorite children's books and we both mentioned "Are You My Mother"! Then I come on your blog today and read about Thomas reading that very book to you! :-)
Can't wait to see you soon.
Carolyn <><