Sunday, July 30, 2006

Silly and Sweet

David taught Thomas some 80s sayings the other day which really cracked him up. I hadn't told my parents about it and when he trotted out a few of them while he was at their house, they died laughing. Thomas was goofing around with my dad and licked his ear (thanks Daddy for that game). He then said, "Oooh, gag me with a spoon!" And while they were still laughing, did it again and said, "Gross me out the door!"

Every time Thomas goes outside, he brings me a special gift when he comes back inside. And being a three year old boy, it's usually something that he thinks is cool like some leaves or a stick. Today, he and David went for a walk in the "dark forest" which is actually just some trees surrounding a creek at the end of our block. While there, he selected a special stick to bring back to me. When they got home, he ran to find me and said, "Mommy, I got you a present!" When I told him how much I liked it, he said, "Mommy, I love you and that's why I got that stick for you." Talk about melting a mommy's heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet!
Rik and Aarik used to take walks like that when A. was Thomas' age, and A. did the same thing. One time when they got back he rang the front door bell so I'd answer. When I did he was standing there with a huge grin on his face. He said, "I brought you a flower!" He was holding a huge weed that had a bright flower on the top, and it had the roots and dirt, too! So, I trimmed all the 'bad parts' off and stuck the weed in a fancy vase and put it on the dining room table! :-)
Speaking of Aarik...we are off to see him and Brooke. We are so excited. I will write when I get back and tell you what we did.
Love, Carolyn